Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekly Update...

Well, the week was kind of a disappointment in the fishing department…

The outing on Wednesday turned into a bust. Water temps next to 80 were definitely keeping fish close to the bottom in the cooler water. One small bass took a surface popper late in the day, but the heart wasn’t there…no sense in stressing out the fish…

The weekend was spent doing a bit of traveling…Friday was at my parents NEW boat (more coming on that in future posts)…and then Saturday was spent at a Pig Roast in Central Michigan. No fishing per se, but we did meet some new fishy friends in our travels…again, more coming on that in future posts…

Sunday, Amy, Finn and I stopped at the GIANT Cabela’s in Dundee Michigan on the way home. Definitely worth a stop in you’re in the area...

Pics from the travels…

MMM...Pigs & Rum!

Amy & Andrew's faces after a ride in a '66 Ford the way, this car does a quarter mile in under 10 seconds, and i'm sure we accomplished just that Saturday...AWESOME!

Amy in between the bears at Cabelas...

Massive trout (to 26" at least) in the ponds at Cabelas...

Bass & Walleye crossing paths in the aquarium...

Pike hanging out in the aquarium...

Overall a great weekend...more coming this week on some of the adventures...

1 comment:

Mark Kautz said...

Just the trip to Cabela's would have made my weekend.
