Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekly Update

Well another warm week has kept me off the water and focused on the “normal life” things that I often overlook during the fishing seasons. Weather this week went close to 90 everyday, with no cooling rains. I casted a spinning rod around a harbor on Lake Erie for about 10 minutes this weekend…but that was mostly to help me chill out over a beer.

Finally though, it seems like this week will break the back of summer. I’m not sure if I’m happy to see her go or not…but I do know that these fishless weeks will soon be disappearing. Between a bass bulk up, and steelies starting to migrate into the streams, we will hopefully be taking lots of fish shots…

In the meantime, here’s a few pictures from the weekend on the boat…

1 comment:

Mark Kautz said...

Good to see your pup had his own PFD.
