Monday, August 9, 2010


From the Portland Press Herald...

The Freshwater Update Column (Deirdre Fleming)...

"Fisheries meetings can be interesting and that was the case in the midcoast when IFW biologist Robert Van-Riper was updating locals on the need for culverts for improved fisheries habitat.

"It's kind of a necessary thing based on the discussions on where Maine's money is coming from: natural resource tourism," Van-Riper said.

"In the public meeting, a man from New Jersey asked why we don't stock walleye or pike. He said they love it in New Jersey. So I had to keep everyone else quiet, because at this point they're going to kill this guy. And I said, 'Quite honestly, you're probably the only one in this room who thought of New Jersey as a fishing destination.' That pretty much diffused the situation."

Now I'm stuck cleaning up the coffee from my nose and desk...CLASSIC!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful opinion. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be
appreciated by everyone.

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