Sunday, December 7, 2008


As we decorated the tree in the Page Residence this afternoon, it was mentioned that we should have a separate tree for fishing ornaments. Looking at the 15+ ornaments I placed on the tree this year, I realized that the majority of my life, I've spent (or wished I was spending), Christmas doing some type of fishy activity. Anyways, here's some of the key items hanging from the tree in the living room...(thought I'd share)...

Mr. Walleye...

Santa Standing Proud...with a fish none the less...

From my kayak phase...still love fishing in them

Full creel...

Gotta love the Santa's...

From the offshore days...sharking around...

Glass Trout...

Every fisherman has one of these...

Mr. Bobber...(from the old days...)

Antique Lure...

Weird snowman...but notice fish bouncing off hat...

"Merry Fishmas"

Santa's Yacht, Santa's Kayak, Lobster...

Mr. Steelhead...

TMT would love to see some of the various ornaments hanging from the "Fishmas" trees out there...please send pictures to Perhaps a follow up post featuring more trees and ornaments will be in order...

Have a happy, SAFE, Holiday season!!!

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