Sorry it’s taken me a few days to catch up…still dealing with the misfortunes of last week…
So this last weekend was spent in Western NY doing a bit of fishing with Boz and some of his Maine Crew. I ended up arriving Thursday evening… the last to arrive…
I ended up having a few beers, and sleeping rather restlessly after seeing some of the great footage they had gotten on Thursday of the fishing. Many large fish were brought to hand…many more then reports had stated in the previous days…
Of course we were on the river bright and early Friday, and hopped into a spot down river from a bend that had been producing for the last several days. Greg was into the first fish we saw anyone land all day, but quickly had it spit the fly. Within 5 more minutes, he had tied into another beast, and managed to get it beached…
After some shots, and a video of the release, we were back to the water…Shortly after I had gotten my line back into the run, I managed to get schooled by what seemed like a rather large fish…
This was basically the story of my weekend…One small fish landed on Friday was the highlight of my fishing activities, though I will say that it was awesome seeing the guys work their magic…
Friday evening, started off rather quiet. There was some tying planned, until we realized that we were low on hooks. Figuring we could get into town before closing time to get some, we all jumped into the car, and in a rush of excitement, my camera made a crash landing on the tile floor…
Thank god for insurance…
So after getting into to town, our attempt to be closing time for the fly shops was unsuccessful. To kill some of the tying time, we decided to hop into one of the local watering holes for a brew before heading back home…or so we had thought…
Friday night turned into a bit of a tequila show…Thus Saturday was a bit of a later morning. After a broken camera, a few broken plates, a deep gash to a thumb (that should’ve taken stiches), and some puke, we were able to piece together most of the evening, which was a success on many levels…
Saturday we hit a few smaller tributaries for some sight fishing. With the weather being as warm and sunny as it was, our aim was to try and dodge the people at all costs (especially since we were all hungover). Fish were hard to come by, but once you found some holding in deeper pools, you were able to feed them flies.
We hit a few different pieces of water, and each hooked fish. Greg was able to get some GREAT footage on Saturday. After a bit of an early departure from the river, we prepped the house for heading out on Sunday, and were all beerless and asleep by 9PM, which speaks volumes for how we felt Saturday morning.
Sunday was another gorgeous day, so rather then spend 2 hours fighting fishermen, and struggling until the sun came up, we decided to just head out after getting the last of the laundry done. The river (along with all of the Great Lakes Tribs I crossed back to Cleveland) was low, so the fish were more concentrated in a few holes and bucket, making it hard to find fish on the main river without dealing with the crowds. I decided to just B-line it home to catch the Browns game.
Overall it was a great weekend...and I was able to accomplish my yearly goal of fly fishing new water in a new state…score!
Greg, Jeremy, Bruce, and Craig all managed to get into many different fish throughout the weekend despite my lack of fishiness, which was awesome to see. These for guys really humbled me with their ability to read drifts, lay line, and nymph up some rather large fish…Truly great fishermen! Looking forward to getting out with them in the future…
Video should be edited and up within the next few weeks...targeting between holidays...
Pictures from Friday - No camera from Saturday...
Egg Suckers |
Eggs |
Stones |
Eggs |
Eggs |
Jeremy Tied In |