Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekly Update...

Sorry for the late update…holiday weekend got me in a fluster…few reasons which we’re trying to iron out, and hopefully will be done soon…

No camping…and it blew…

Spent most of the weekend “preparing” the house…but was able to sneak out for some fishy explorations. Another major accomplishment for a second weekend in a row…Amy landed her first fish on a fly rod. Wasn’t much of a fighter, but a fish none the less…


Bass and ‘Gills are starting to bed big time…which has a lot of their mind elsewhere…but some of the fish are starting to come off and focus on the feeding portion of their summer…

Beetles close to shore took care of everything…


Best view in the boat!




Pouting because he can't chase geese...

But still thinking about it...

Little bit of this...

Overlooking this...

Not a stellar weekend, but fun none the less...

Busy next weekend...but there should be some fishy stories to share...

Calling on the Prof. for some mid week bassing also...things are looking up!

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