Well it’s been a bit of a frantic two weeks. I’ve been traveling back and forth to Ohio, to Connecticut twice, and then trying to maintain a life up North here…not a lot of fun…
However, we have been able to manage some time to focus on fishing, which is slowly starting to turn here…
A few highlights from the last few weeks…
Connecticut trout are starting to turn. Managed a few fish on April 10th – 11th…both on nymphs and streamers. No pictures unfortunately due to weather…
Ohio was pretty much fishless…
I did manage to get out with Conklin for a few casts on a bass pond, and caught up on life…no fish to hand though. Also, with a few hours to explore, I made my way up to the Chagrin River to check out a few of the changes that we saw over the last few months with rain/snow melt off, and wow, does it look like a new river. Having spent most of my time in Ohio exploring that river, I’m now looking forward to learning it all over again.
As for Ohio fishing, the rains have kept many people off the streams. Boz is actually back in his home town in Ohio, and has said the rivers are way too swollen to even fish, and with rain every day, things aren’t looking good.
After landing back in ME from Ohio,
Boz, myself, and another friend went out for some exploratory fishing and scouting. After spending a few hours in the car jumping around and casting in a few places, we finally decided to hike into a spot Greg knew about. After about 3 casts, I tied into my first Salmon of the year. There were a few jumps, and a few good runs, but finally I managed to coax the fresh fish into shore for a few pictures and video (pics below).
After the release, we went fishless for the rest of the day…though feeling good, as it was the fist salmon of the year for any of us.
After a few errands the next day, I did some more exploring alone and bagged a nice big smallie, another first of the year! Again, weather kept the camera in the bag, but it was great to lip a 4lb smallie.
Since then, it’s been pretty quiet. I did some exploring today around Southern Maine, but only had one missed take. The weather kicked up a bit as the day went on, so I skipped around to a few places. There’s precipitation in the forecast for the next few days, so I may focus on some tying instead…we’ll see where the winds bring us…
Anyways, here are some of the pics…nothing you couldn’t imagine, but it’s at least some film…hoping to get back on the photographs moving forward…
First Salmon |
Sammy The Salmon |
Lily Keeping Watch |