I’ll apologize in advance for the book you’re about to read…
So as many of you know, I’ve always had a soft spot for the state of Maine. I grew up vacationing there, and many of my best childhood memories and adventures (along with mishaps) have occurred in the easternmost state of our nation.
Having grown up in Connecticut and lived in Ohio for the last few years, I’ve found myself wondering what I want to do with my life…what do I want to do? Who do I want to be? Where do I want to be?
About 2 years ago my lovely wife and I came up with a really nutty plan. We decided we should move from the house we had just purchased, and start migrating back to the East Coast. Having already lived in Connecticut, I knew that the hustle and bustle of Southern New England wasn’t going to keep me sane. I needed space…lots of space…and fish…
As I’m sure you’ve already guessed, here I am, in my new apartment just outside of Portland, ME, typing to you in a room full of boxes. We’ve made it, and just in time for the fishing season…
So where does this leave me, and the blog…
Well, I’m positive that this is the beginning of perhaps one of the best chapters in my life. Not only am I in an area I love, but I’m so close to some of the best fishing, hiking, and camping in the world! Brook trout that can exceed 6lbs. Landlocked Salmon that are measured in feet rather then inches. Striped Bass and Bluefin Tuna that visit our coasts…
We’re still going to keep pace with the Midwest gang. Having learned to cast a long rod in Ohio, it will always hold a special place in my heart and soul.
This is going to be the adventure of my lifetime! I’m looking forward to sharing it with you and changing the face of the blog.
The Caravan...A 24' Budget Truck, An Expedition With A 15' Whaler Behind, And A Subaru...All Packed To The Gills... |
Finn all geared up... |
Finn was glad Jimmy came to help... |
The view from my couch...Tidal Flats... |