Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly Update...Brownie Edition...

Well, the week started off decent…then slowly went to shit on a few personal levels…but bound and determined to leave the world behind, my lovely wife and dog decided to join me in our first camping trip of the year. It was a bit impromptu, but we were happy to go…

Mission a success…

In pictures…

Finn's comfortable in camp...

The weekend sleeping arrangements, with welcome guest!

Some of PA's Best...

Buggy Drive Down Stream...

Finn and Mommy looking for risers...

Amy nymphing a run...

Finn waiting streamside...

PA 'bows...mmmm

Gotta love the stockers...

Classic U-bend...

Now for the best part of the weekend...the MASSIVE tank that I somehow coaxed out of a deep corner pool...

Long story, but I ended up having to land it alone, without a net...which was NOT an easy task. Amazing fish...gorgeous colorings...something that won't be forgotten...

Guesses floating around at the moment are around 23"...

No hatches really materialized due to some bad weather, but fish seemed to be happy eating nymphs...

The best part is that we're back next weekend to get into the action...

Hopefully we've got more stories and pictures to share. Weather outlook seems to have some good dry fly weather...but you never know...fingers crossed...we will anxiously wait...

'Til next time...


Mark Kautz said...

Ran into a guy that once told me "never go fishing without a net or was it Annette (his wife)" I'm not sure which one he he was talking about. He had both.


Mike Schmidt said...

Dude!!! HOG. I believe I recognize that classic U Bend.. ;)

Unknown said...

Great pics.