Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What If...Fly Fishing Olympics...

Courtesy of Field & Stream Blog (Deeter?)..."Who Would Win Fly Fishing Olympic Gold?"...

"Of course, it wouldn't be an Olympics unless there were several sports on the schedule that only Americans really do, so we can pad our medal total (e.g. snowboarding). So let's just say the Yanks sweep the medals in bass plug popping, wet-wading a river obstacle course in Keen sandals, and saying "dude... nice fish... pretty colors" most often in the free-fish long program, which counts for 3/4 of the total score. But watch out, the South Koreans and Chinese will create stringent training programs with respective crops of 17,000 four-year-olds and dominate these events in 16 years."

Full link...little interesting...


Mike Schmidt said...

my money would be on Jeff Currier... Just saying...

Mark Kautz said...

How true, how true.
