Friday, August 29, 2008
Now What...
O'bama (from previous post)...
"Barack Obama and Fairbanks, Alaska Mayor Jim Whitaker have one thing in common: they oppose Proposition 4 which would ban large metal mines from discharging large amounts of toxic chemicals into salmon streams and drinking water supplies."
McCain's Running Mate Palin...
"In steps our Governor, Sarah Palin, the woman who recently had an investigation opened against her to evaluate ethics violations. It’s not lost on me (nor should it be lost on any other Alaskan) that the Department of Natural Resources is part of the Executive branch – controlled by the Palin administration. So, in essence, the Governor’s office is helping to push out this pro Pebble tripe."
Whats a fisherman to do?!
Quote of the week...
"I’m excited for the game…is it going to be weird with Amy and I sleeping in the same bed in your house?!"
...Needless to say, I didn't get my e-mail response back yet...and I'm nervous about going to visit now...
CT for the weekend...get in at 8:30 tonight....beach by outgoing until 3:30...sleep...possibly get up and fish a morning incoming…
Hopefully I have pics of a lady in stripes when I get back…
Pic from Ethan Gordon Photography....

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Clean Water vs. Chemical Filled Shit...
(Bottom - Measure #4)
I'm studdering...
Look at the mess we're about to create...
Dead fish...

Funny colored water for our kids to play in and people to drink...
"Barack Obama and Fairbanks, Alaska Mayor Jim Whitaker have one thing in common: they oppose Proposition 4 which would ban large metal mines from discharging large amounts of toxic chemicals into salmon streams and drinking water supplies."
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Finally...A Big Player

"But Bristol Bay fishermen and environmental group Trout Unlimited Alaska are opposed to the mine, fearing that toxic waste that would be stored in a massive dam near the mining site will destroy the largest sockeye salmon fishery in the world and the source of their livelihoods.
Tiffany shares the same concern.
'Tiffany and Co. has vowed never to source gold from Pebble should it open,' Tiffany and Co. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael Kowalski said after the screening."
Barbie FINALLY makes herself useful...
“A few minutes later, the float went under, and I saw the water start boiling up — I knew right then that I had my hands full with that fishing rod.”

Thursday, August 21, 2008
"The Ten Commandments of Stealth"
Here are Henry’s commandments:
- Stop—look around before approaching the water. What is going on? Are there fish rising? Insects out and about? What kinds? How should you approach the stream to get into position?
- Do Not Wade (unless necessary)—I see this all the time; anglers in the water when there is absolutely no need to be there.
- Step lightly—on the bank and in the water if you really need to be there.
- Remove every bit of reflective material, especially metal—Henry, and LaFontaine asserted that nothing is more unnatural on a trout stream than flashing reflections caused by such items as rings, watches and metallic rims of sunglasses. Also, our beloved doodads such a clippers, forceps etc. should be kept in the pockets of vests rather than dangling exposed.
- Lower the profile—stoop, kneel, crouch behind a bush; whatever it takes to reduce the chance of the fish seeing you.
- Do not rip the line—this refers to the pickup to begin the backcast. The fly drifts over the fish or likely looking spot without a take? Let the fly drift out of the strike zone and then execute a roll cast pickup to put it back in the zone again. If you do not know what that is, head for your local fly shop.
- Control drag—even micro drag makes trout nervous and indecisive.
- Move slowly—Moving along the stream, casting—everything you do—should be done slowly and with caution. What’s the hurry?
- Drab clothing—no white shirts or hats, please.
All of this should add up to more hookups. It was Henry’s contention that the trout will almost always be aware of the angler, but they can still be taken if the fisherman will become a part of the environment rather that an abrupt and jagged insertion into it.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Cialis Question... to meet the guy who drew up those commercial lines...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Online Fishing...Part 2
This is just fucking stupid...You need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out...
-picture/link via field & streams's fly talk blog...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Quote of the Week #3
"Work blows...there's more witch hunts going on here then Salem in the 1600's...if people could burn me at the stake they would..."
Buster's Point Of View...
via- buster wants to fish
And thats only on an intellectual level...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Little Gem...
Overall good deep flavor...I'm just not a fan of India Pale Ale...
Not bad though after a little bass action for the eve....
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Weeks End In Review...
And adding to the kick in the nuts, he got the biggest bluegill I’ve ever seen…a slab like none other…pic below…
Skip Thursday & Friday…
Saturday hit with Dan from Chagrin Outfitters. We were blown off early, but not before scoring some nice bass. I managed one about 3lbs, and Dan got one about the same size…watching him chase was the highlight of the night…pic below...
Lightning chased us off…but was a nice relaxing night none the less. Dan with his fish below…
Final pic is the new mag I’ve discovered…The Drake. Picture says it all…
Go Michael Phelps! One down…many more to go…
Friday, August 8, 2008
Quote of the Week...
“I haven’t seen any new shit on the blog lately except articles…when are you going to put up more pictures of stuff like your nympho"
October brings me up to MI for some salmon fishing...
Good friend and tremendous fly tyer Mike Schmidt gave me the invite…so we’ll be on the tribs of Lake Michigan. Should be a tremendous time, and I’m really looking forward to just seeing some of these massive fish…
Here’s a little taste of what I should be looking forward to:
Please check out Mike’s site. He’s a hell of a tyer who’s just been invited to participate in the The International Fly Tying Symposium:
Mike’s site is:
More to come on the upcoming trip…
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Why The River Why...
Moldy Chum has some further information and links...
Monday, August 4, 2008
More Bristol...
Above is a link to pictures showing areal images of the proposed Pebble site. It will be one of the few things that is actually visible from space. What an achievement for the Pebble dickheads…
See an image below...

Salmon Factory...
"If you need any further convincing:
The proposed Pebble Mine site is located at the headwaters that flow into the Nushagak River, Lake Iliamna, and Bristol Bay (home of the world’s largest sockeye salmon fishery). You don’t need to be an expert to understand that contaminants, like the water they are in, tend to flow downstream. Oh, yes…and the mine’s giant earthen dam holding all those contaminants in, is also located on a fault line.
According to the EPA, mining has contaminated the headwaters of 40% of watersheds in the Western United States. FORTY percent. Are you willing to risk the Nushagak River, Lake Iliamna and Bristol Bay on those odds? Not me.
What about other similar hard rock mines? Well, a recent study of 25 modern hard rock mines showed that 76% exceeded water quality standards. SEVENTY SIX PERCENT. This is not a pretty picture."
So let’s see if you’re ready for your Earth Resources quiz. There are 2 questions.
Q #1): If mining conglomerate A, dumps X amount of contaminat Y into the ground, according to the topographical map, how long will it take to contaminate Fishery B and the people who depend on it?
A: Much faster than you think, and with much less than you think.
Q#2): What can you do about it?
A: On August 26th, vote “Yes on 4 and Yes for Fish” (and the people that love them).
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Broken (in) Canoe...
We pushed off about 5:30, and scoured the lake looking for fish. Bass we sitting deep, and it was difficult to pick them out. I turned Jim onto the joys of Sunfish/Pumpkinseed fishing for a hour or so before the winds died and the swirls began to fill the calm waters. We ran across the lake and started moving up the East bank. We picked off a few bass along the bank while we waited for the swimmers to disperse. In our wait, we saw this guy…

We then ran into the beach area and picked a few more fish off. Though he didn’t get any pics…Jimmy scored more bass then I did…See below:

Jimmy did however get the money shot of the night…
Picking up on his fly flinging skills and apparently photography as well…

Saturday, August 2, 2008
John Gierach
The Land Of No Trout...
To be used for future trips...
What a Catch...
-via Buster Wants To Fish
Another Article From FISHGATOR.COM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Quote of the Week
"No doubt Mr. Trout"
-Amy's Mom (Mother-in-law)
I love it...send more...